154 Chapter 4

ESA Functional Tests

Scale Fidelity

ESA Functional Tests
Scale Fidelity
Test Limits
Test Description

A 50 MHz CW signal is applied from a synthesized sweeper to the input of the analyzer.

The source is adjusted for a response at the reference level. The synthesized sweeper

amplitude is adjusted to achieve a nominal amplitude below the reference level. The

analyzers amplitude marker is compared to the actual source change to determine the

scale fidelity error. Most of the error is the sources output attenuator inaccuracy from the

synthesized sweeper.

dB from Reference Level Minimum (dB)Maximum (dB)

4 1.0 1.0
16 1.4 1.4
28 1.4 1.4
40 1.4 1.4
52 1.4 1.4
64 2.0 2.0
Item Critical Specifications
(for this test) Recommended
Agilent Model
Signal Sources
Synthesized Sweeper Output Level Accuracy
0 to 15 dBm: ±1.0 dB
16 dBm to 63 dBm: ±1.4 dB
64 dBm:2.0 dB
8340A/B or 836XX
Type-N (m), to
BNC (f) 1250-1476
Type-N, 152-cm
(60-in) 11500D
BNC, 122-cm (48-in) 10503A
Additional Equipment for 75-Ohm Input
Pad, minimum loss 11852B
Type-N (f), to
BNC (m) 1250-1534