Advanced Topics
Using an External Computer to Control the Test Set
Box Identification
To read the Box Identification, first query the test set for its ID, then read back the ID from the test set. For example, if the GPIB address of the test set is 12, send the following commands:
OUTPUT 712;"id?"
ENTER 712;Box_id$
Switch Count
The Switch Count is the number of times a switch has been operated. To read the Switch Count for a particular switch, first query the switch and then read back the count. For example, if the test set has an address of 12, the following two commands will read the Switch Count for switch #10:
OUTPUT 712;"sw10?"
ENTER 712;Count$
| Languages |
| Using Rocky Mountain Basic (RMB) |
| To address the Z5623A Option H48 test set directly over GPIB, use a |
| controller to write directly to the test set's GPIB port. The following |
| example assumes that the address of the test set is 12. (Note the |
| semi- colon “;” .) |
| Write Commands: |
| OUTPUT 712;"STRING$;" ! Output Command |
| Read Commands: |
| OUTPUT 712;"STRING$;" ! Output Command |
| ENTER 712;String$ ! Enter Command |
| Using Quick Basic or Visual Basic |
| If you are using Quick Basic or Visual Basic, be sure to disable EOI and |
| EOL before sending commands to the test set. Including the semicolon |
| in program commands will not ensure that these commands are |
| disabled as would be the case in HP Basic/RMB. When using the 82335 |
| GPIB Interface and Visual Basic, use the following commands to |
| disable EOI and EOL, send the necessary data to the test set, and |
| |
| Be sure to |
NOTE | |
| instrument. |
Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 | 7 |