Performance Verification
Verifying Return Loss and Insertion Loss Specifications
Step 7. Command the test set to terminate all of its test ports.
Step 8. Recall the limit test file for return loss (port off). It is listed in Table
Step 9. Read the results of the return loss (port off) test on the screen of the network analyzer. Record the results in Table
Step 10. Move the RF cable to the next test port. Repeat Step 2 through Step 9. Step 11. Repeat Step 10 until all eight test ports have been measured.
Measurements Using The Transmission Port
Step 1. Move the RF cable from the Reflection Port to the Transmission Port. Move the test port cable back to Test Port 1.
Step 2. Command the test set to connect the test port to the Transmission Port. Consult Table
Step 3. Recall the limit test file for insertion loss. It is listed in Table
Step 4. Read the results of the insertion loss test on the screen of the network analyzer. Record the results in Table
Step 5. Recall the limit test file for return loss (port active). It is listed in Table
Step 6. Read the results of the return loss (port active) test on the screen of the network analyzer. Record the results in Table
Step 7. Move the RF cable to the next test port. Repeat Step 2 through Step 6. Step 8. Repeat Step 7 until all eight test ports have been measured.
Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 | 5 |