Advanced Topics
Using an External Computer to Control the Test Set
Using National Instruments VISA
If you are using National Instruments VISA, be sure to set the following variables as follows:
VI_ATTR_SEND_END = VI_FALSE ‘ This specifies whether to assert END during the transfer of the last byte of the buffer
VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR = 0x0A ‘ This is the termination character. When the termination character is read and VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN is enabled during a read operation, the read operation terminates.
VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN = VI_TRUE ‘ This is a flag that determines whether the read operation should terminate when a termination character is received.
VI_ATTR_SUPPRESS_END_EN = VI_FALSE ‘ Specifies whether to suppress the END bit termination. If this attribute is set to VI_TRUE, the END bit does not terminate read operations. If this attribute is set to VI_FALSE, the END bit terminates read operations.
Write Commands:
Append all commands with “\n,” for example, *rst\n.
Read Commands:
The Z5623A Option H48 returns data terminated by \r\n.
Agilent Technologies Z5623A Option H48 | 7 |