Installation Procedure
Number of Boards Option
The N)umber of Brds option is used to specify the number of installed
Memory Segment Option
The M)emory Segment option is used to specify the controller memory starting address for all
The following screen display shows the available memory address options.
Memory Window Segment |
| |
8) 80000h | 9)90000h | A) A0000h B)B0000h | C) C0000h D) D0000h E)E0000h |
S e l e c t C o n f i g u r a t i o n O p t i o n :
Driver Support Option
The D)river Support Option is used to specify DOS or INT 14 support. The default is DOS support. INT 14 support is provided for experienced users.
Selecting DOS support assigns and uses names for the individual communications ports so that they can be accessed from DOS and high level languages. The ports can also be accessed through INT 14h calls.
Selecting INT 14 support deactivates the DOS capability of assigning and using names for the installed communications ports. This allows the channels to be accessed only through INT 14h calls. If DOS support is not desired, selecting this option decreases the size of the driver.
The following screen display shows how to select these options.
D r i v e r S u p p o r t | D)OS | I)NT 14 |
S e l e c t C o n f i g u r a t i o n O p t i o n : |