DS1 Switch Settings—Controller Memory Starting Address
The following table shows the switch settings for some of the possible controller memory starting addresses.
Note: The
only selected starting controller memory addresses as standard. The installation script displays the appropriate standard addresses dependent on the available system configuration resources. For the a typical AT&T 6386E Work Group System, the installation script identifies the following available controller memory addresses.
080000h 090000h 100000h
180000h 200000h 280000h
300000h 380000h 400000h
480000h 500000h 580000h
600000h 680000h 700000h
780000h 800000h 880000h
900000h 980000h A00000h
A80000h B00000h B80000h
C00000h C80000h D00000h
D80000h E00000h E80000h
F00000h F80000h
The recommended controller memory address range is
080000h through 0BFFFFh for the following machines:
■AT&T 6386E Work Group System
■AT&T 6386/25 Work Group System
■AT&T 6386E/33 Work Group System
■AT&T 6386E/33 Work Group System Model S.
The available controller memory address range is 080000h through F80000h. However, the installation software supports only selected starting addresses within this range as shown in the previous listing.