file system
line discipline
1.A collection of files that can be mounted on a block special file; each file of a file system appears exactly once in the
2.The collection of all files on a computer.
3.The part of the kernel that deals with file systems [1].
One of a series of processes which connect the user to the UNIX system. getty is invoked by init and, in turn, invokes login.
A general process spawner which is invoked as the last step in the boot procedure; it regularly checks a table that defines what processes should run at what run level.
1.A signal that normally terminates a process, caused by a break or an interrupt character.
2.A signal generated by a hardware condition or a peripheral device.
3.Loosely, any signal.
The UNIX system proper; resident code that implements the system calls.
A module to handle protocol or data conversion for a stream. A line discipline, unlike a filter, is part of the kernel.
1.The program that controls logging in.
2.The act of logging in.
3.By extension, the computing session that follows a login [2].