Using the Console Interface
Screen Fields and Descriptions
Figure 3-1 shows a map of the CI screens. The remainder of this chapter describes the CI screens and their fields, beginning with the main menu.
Main Menu
IP Configuration SNMP Configuration System Characteristics Switch Configuration Service Port Configuration Spanning Tree Configuration TELNET Configuration Software Download Display Event Log Reset Reset to Default Settings Logout
MAC Address Table
VLAN Configuration
Port Configuration
Rate Limiting Configuration
Display Port Statistics
Clear Port Statistics
Spanning Tree Port Configuration Display Spanning Tree Switch Settings
Figure 3-1. Map of console interface screens
The CI screen examples provided in this chapter are for a BayStack Model 350T switch. Most of the screens and fields apply to both the BayStack Model 350T switch and the BayStack Model 350F switch. If there are differences, it is clearly noted in the text.
The CI screens for your switch will show the correct model name in the screen title and the correct number of ports and port type.