Settings – Applications
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9..2..2..3 LDAP settings
1.Select the “External Authentication” tab and the LDAP settings appear; see Figure 62.
Figure 62 LDAP settings
2.Select the “Use LDAP authentication server” check box.
3.Input details of the Active Directory:
Base DN – Here you define the base object where the search for users begins. The search is performed only on this object and the objects below it in the directory tree. The Base DN string has the standard LDAP syntax: CN=(Common Name…), OU=(Organizational Unit), DC=(Domain Component). Base DN should be in the following format DC=domain, DC=tld. For example, for the domain kvm.belkin.org, the Base DN should be DC=kvm,DC=belkin,DC=org.
Host – Type the host name or (preferably) the IP address of the Active Directory DC server.
Port – Type the LDAP port number. If left blank, OmniView IP 5000HQ uses the default LDAP port 389 (which is the default port for most LDAP servers including Microsoft Active Directory).
Bind DN – Also known as “User DN” or “Append”. The Bind DN is a distinguished name of an LDAP object, which serves a gateway to the LDAP directory. Prior to sending the account/password pair, OmniView IP 5000HQ initiates a conversation handshake with LDAP. This handshake protocol in general needs a “Bind DN/Bind password” pair to decide whether the OmniView IP 5000HQ client is permitted to query the LDAP directory server. (For example, if we have user John in group Users in domain kvm.belkin.org, the Bind DN should look like this: CN=John, CN=users,DC=kvm,DC=belkin,DC=org).
Type the Active Directory objects you would like to search and the user account that will be used to perform this operation.
Password – Type the password for the user account given in the Bind DN.
4.Click. The system queries the Active Directory.
(This may take some time.) The | and | buttons |
become enabled. |
9..2..2..4 Importing users
To import users, press and the “Import Users” window appears. Here you see all the groups in the Active Directory.
To display the users in a directory, expand the group.
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