It has been said that cooking is an art that relies on the creativity of the chef. Baking bread is much more of a science, since the process of combining flour, water and yeast results in a chemical reaction that produces bread. You must remember that when the ingredients combine with each other, they produce a specific result. Read the following information carefully to gain a better understanding of the importance each ingredient plays in the bread making process.
All-Purpose Flour
Bran (unprocessed) is the coarse outer portion of the wheat or rye grains that is separated from flour by sifting or bolting. It is often added to bread in small quantities for nutritional enrichment, heartiness and flavor. It is also used to enhance bread texture.
Bread Flour
Bread flour is a high gluten/protein flour that typically has a higher gluten concentration than
Cornmeal and Oatmeal
Cornmeal and oatmeal come from coarsely ground white or yellow corn and from rolled or
Cracked Wheat
Cracked wheat has a very coarse texture. It comes from wheat kernels cut into angular fragments. It gives whole grain breads a nutty flavor and crunchy texture.
Rye Flour
Rye flour must always be mixed with a high proportion of bread flour, as it does not contain enough gluten to develop the structure for a high,
Self-Rising Flour
7 Grain Cereal Blend
7 grain cereal blend is a blend of cracked wheat, oats, bran, rye, cornmeal, flax seeds and hulled millet.