Protocol Class Assignment...
Selecting this item will open the Protocol Class Assignment screen.
Port Filtering Attributes...
Selecting this item will open the Port Filtering Attributes screen.
Protocol Class Assignment Screen
To open this screen, do the following:
1. From the main menu, select Configuration → Filters & Port Security. Then
select Protocol Filters...
2.On the Protocols Filters screen, select Protocol Class Assignment...
The Protocol Class Assignment screen shows the 15 protocol classes that may be defined by the user. Note that Class 0 is the default class and will contain all DSAPs and Ethertypes not assigned to any other class.
You modify a class by highlighting the class and pressing Enter. You will then be prompted for the field to modify: Name, Ethertype or DSAPs. When all classes have been defined as desired, select Return to save the values and exit the screen.
For the selected port, use the Class field to select a class to modify.
The Ethernet protocol type that you want to filter. You can specify one Ethertype
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