3.Use the values listed in the following table to set the configuration parameters on your console for interfacing to the SmartStack
Specification | Value |
Baud Rate | 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 |
Parity | None |
Data bits | 8 |
Stop bits | 1 |
Handshaking | None |
Terminal emulation | VT100 |
Duplex | Full |
Software flow control | Off (input and output) |
Hardware flow | Off |
control (RTS/CTS) |
Autobaud upon break | On |
Line wrap | On |
Screen scroll | On |
CR translation | CR |
Backspace (BS) | Destructive |
translation |
Break length | 350 |
(milliseconds) |
Enquiry (ENQ) | Off |
EGA/VGA true | Off |
underline |
Terminal width | 80 |
ANSI 7 or 8 bit | 7 |
commands |
Table 13. Console Configuration Settings
Accessing Switch Management | SmartStack |