User Information 105
4. Reporting Basics

4.14.1. Event Feed Warning

The Event Feed Warning dialog box appears if there is a problem with
data connectivity to either the Central Controller or the real-time
distributor Admin Workstation. Rather than allowing Monitor ICR to
continue running, in which case reports may display inaccurate real-time
data, the workstation displays the following warning message:
À If this warning appears, follow these steps:
1. Click OK in the Event Feed Warning dialog box to exit from
Monitor ICR.
2. After a short time, restart Monitor ICR.
3. In the Monitor ICR main window, check the Controller Time.
An up-to-date Controller Time indicates that the real-time feed is
active and providing real-time data to the Admin Workstation.
See also:
You can set the number of real-time failures that Monitor ICR must
detect before it requests a restart. See the Real-Time Failures Before
Exit option, earlier in this section, for more instructions.
4.15. User Information
You can display user information by choosing User Information from
the Help menu. The User Information dialog box appears:
Click Close to dismiss the dialog box.