Abandoned call
A call in which the caller hangs up before the call is answered. Calls in
which the caller hangs up almost immediately do not have to be counted
as abandoned. When configuring each peripheral, you can specify the
minimum length of an abandoned call.
About box
A dialog box that displays general information about an application. The
About box usually contains copyright and version information. In most
applications, you can invoke it from the Help menu.
ABS. See Application Bridge Server.
ACD. See Automatic Call Distributor.
ACD Simulator
A GEOTEL software module that allows you to test applications within
the ICR by simulating ACDs. The ACD Simulator runs on a PC and can
simulate up to five ACDs.
Active script
A script that is scheduled for the current date and time. At any time, zero
or one routing script is active for each call type. If more than one routing
script is scheduled for a call type during a period of time, the ICR
choose the script with the most specific schedule. When the ICR
receives a call routing request, it invokes the active script for that call
type. If that script terminates without routing the call, the ICR uses the
default route associated with the dialed number.
Admin Workstation (AW)
A personal computer used to monitor the handling of calls in the ICR
system. The Admin Workstation can also be used to modify the system
configuration or scripts.
Administrative Script
A script that the ICR executes to perform background processing. For
example, an administrative script might set persistent variables or invoke
an application gateway. Use the Script Editor to create, modify, and
schedule administrative scripts.