Service Array Data 147
7. Available Data
Calls Abandoned. The number of calls to the trunk group that were
abandoned during a current or previous half-hour interval.
Calls in. The number of incoming calls received on the trunk group
during a current or previous half-hour interval.
Calls out. The number of outbound calls sent on the trunk group
during a current or previous half-hour interval.
In service time. The aggregate number of seconds that trunks in the
group were in service during a current or previous half-hour interval.
In use inbound time. The aggregate number of seconds that trunks
in the group were used for inbound calls during a current or previous
half-hour interval.
In use outbound time. The aggregate number of seconds that trunks
in the group were used for outbound calls during a current or
previous half-hour interval.
7.7. Network Trunk Gr oup DataA peripheral (ACD, PBX, or VRU) typically divides its trunks into trunk
groups differently than the routing client. For example, the ACD might
view two T1 circuits coming into the switch as two trunk groups. The
routing client (IXC, for example) might view the same T1’s as a single
pool of 72 trunks. This type of network treatment of trunks is called a
network trunk group.
Network trunk group data are stored in the Network_Trunk_Group_
Real_Time and Network_Trunk_Group_Half_Hour tables. The types of
data you can view for network trunk groups are similar to those you can
view for trunk groups (for example, trunks idle, trunks in service, etc.).
See also:
See the previous section, “Trunk Group Data,” for more information on
the data you can view for Network Trunk Groups. Chapter 1,
“Overview,” describes how network trunk groups are used in the call
center enterprise.
7.8. Service Array DataThe data the ICR collects for service arrays are identical to the data
collected for services. Service arrays are defined in instances where you
have similar peripheral services on multiple VRUs and the VRUs all
share the same network trunk group. By grouping the services of
multiple VRUs into a service array, you can send calls to a single target
(the service array) and let the network deliver the call to any one of the
peripheral services that make up the service array.
The members of a service array are defined in the Service Array
Member table. Data for service arrays are stored in the