Agent States and Time Allocations 133
7. Available Data
The following ICR database tables store agent state and time allocation
Agent_Skill_Group_Real_Time. Stores real-time data on thecurrent state of each agent in a skill group. For example, the
AgentState field provides the current state of the agent: Logged Off,
Logged On, Ready, Not Ready, Work Not Ready, Work Ready,
Talking In, Talking Out, Talking Other, Conference.
Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour. Stores historical data on the timeagents spent in any of the call handling states. For example, the
TalkInTimeToHalf field records the number of seconds that each
agent in the skill group spent talking on inbound ACD calls during
the half-hour interval (that is, the time the agent spent in the Talking
In state). This table also provides other data such as
AbandonHoldCallsToHalf, which details the number of ACD calls
that were abandoned while being held at an agent’s position.
Skill_Group_Real_Time. Tracks the number of agents for a skillgroup currently in any of several call handling states. For example,
BusyOther provides the number of agents for the skill group who are
currently busy on calls assigned to other skill groups. This table also
provides current agent time allocations for the skill group as a
whole. For example, NotReadyTimeTo5 records the total seconds
that agents in the skill group have been in the Not Ready state for
the current five-minute interval.
Skill_Group_Five_Minute. Tracks the number of agents for theskill group and their call handling states at the end of each five-
minute interval. For example, TalkingIn provides the number of
agents in the skill group talking on inbound calls at the end of the
five-minute interval. The Skill_Group_Five_Minute table also tracks
time allocations for the current five-minute interval. For example,
WorkNotReadyTimeTo5 provides the number of seconds agents in
the skill group were in the Work Not Ready state for the five-minute
Skill_Group_Half_Hour. Stores historical data on the time agentsfor the skill group spent in any of several call handling states. For
example, TalkingInTimeToHalf provides the number of seconds
agents in the skill group spent talking on inbound calls during the
half-hour interval. This table also provides other call counts such as
InternalCallsToHalf, which is the number of internal calls to the
skill group during the half-hour interval.
See also:
For more information on these tables, see the ICR Database Schema
Handbook or the on-line Schema Help.