The Call Center Enterprise 25
1. Overview
across peripherals to form an enterprise Sales service. Figure 5 shows
the relationship between enterprise and peripheral services.
Enterprise Services
Dallas Tech. Support
Dallas Info. Services
Boston Tech. Support
Boston Info. Services
Sales Technical Support Information Services
Peripheral Services
Denver Sales
Denver Tech. Support
Denver Info. Services
Boston Sales
Dallas Sales
These peripheral services are logically combined to form the
enterprise service, Sales.
Figure 5: Enterprise and Peripheral Services
Peripheral services typically include a number of skill groups, each of
which can be set up to handle specific types of calls. For example,
within a Sales peripheral service you might have Spanish and Japanese
skill groups to support Sales calls from callers who speak these
Peripheral skill groups are skill groups that are tied to a specific ACD or
PBX. Each skill group contains a number of agents. Agents can be
assigned to one or more peripheral skill groups. Like services, skill
groups can be combined on an enterprise basis.