22 Overview
See also:
For more information on Enterprise CTI, see the Intelligent CallRouter
Product Description.
1.1.6. Call Routing Scripts
To determine the best destination for a call, the ICR processes routing
requests through call routing scripts. A routing script is a graphical,
flowchart-like diagram that specifies how to route a call. A script usually
has several branches that can be followed depending on current
conditions at the call centers.
In order to make a routing decision, the script uses the information
contained in the routing request along with real-time information on the
status of resources at each call center. The system manager typically
defines a number of routing scripts to use in the ICR system.
Scripts can be scheduled as required to route calls among call centers
based on the type of service the caller needs, the time of day the call is
being placed, and where suitably qualified agents are available to handle
the call.
See also:
For more information on the routing scripts, see the Intelligent
CallRouter System Manager Guide.
1.1.7. Reporting and Monitoring
The ICR uses real-time, near real-time, and historical data on agent and
call center status to make its routing decisions. To make the best routing
decision possible, the ICR constantly collects information about agent
activity at each call center, such as:
Current agent state
Logon duration
Number of agents available
Number of agents talking
The time agents spend in particular call handling states
The ICR also collects information about calls coming into the call
centers, such as
Number of calls in progress
Number of calls handled and finished
How calls were routed
How long callers were on hold