Setting Up the Template Launcher 53
3. Creating a Report
3.3. Setting Up the Template Launcher
To generate the report, open the Template Launcher window.
À To open the Template Launcher:
In the Monitor ICR window, click the New button. The Template
Launcher window appears:
The Template Launcher allows you to choose reporting options from
several tabs.
À Choose the Category and Scope options:
1. Select Service as the data Category. (By default, Service is already
2. Select Peripheral as the Scope. (In this tutorial, you are reporting on
peripheral services rather than enterprise services. Peripheral
services are services that are tied to specific ACDs or VRUs.)
The Category and Scope selections you make specify the general
subject of the report.
À Choose a Business Entity:
If your ICR system has more than one business entity, choose one from
this list. Otherwise, accept the default selection. The business entity
specifies which subset of the ICR enterprise you will be reporting on.
For example, a business entity may represent a division within a large
corporation or a single customer within a service bureau.
À Choose the Date and Time options:
1. Click on the Date and Time tab and choose Absolute Dates (the
default). (Dates and times have no effect on the real-time portion of
the report, but you need them for the historical report component.)