Agent Data 129
7. Available Data
7.2.2. Agent Status
The ICR tracks agent status by position, skill group, and by agent name.
Specifically, the ICR records the following data on agent status in ICR
real-time and half-hour tables:
Position. The current extension on which the agent is working.
Agent name. The first and last name of the agent.
Skill group. The name of the skill group to which the agent is
logged on.
Logon date/time. The date and time that the agent logged on.
Current state. The current state of the agent: logged off, logged on,
ready, not ready, work ready, work not ready, talking, busy other,
reserved, calls on hold, unknown.
Direction. The direction of the call: inbound or outbound.
Destination. The type of outbound call: ACD or direct.
Last state change. The date and time that the agent’s state last
Reason. The reason for the agent’s last state change.
Logon duration. The time that the agent spent logged on.
Logout date/time. The date and time that the agent logged out.
Event name. The event caused by the agent’s last state change.
Call duration. Duration of the call in seconds for a private network
call. This is the time that the switch is processing the call.
ANI. The ANI value for the call. The ANI provides the billing
phone number of the phone from which the call originated. (These
data are taken from the Termination_Call_Detail table.)
Digits dialed. The digits dialed on an outbound call. (These data are
taken from the Termination_Call_Detail table.)
7.2.3. Agent Activity
The ICR tracks agent activity. To arrive at daily values for agent
activity, the ICR sums the Agent_Skill_Group_Half_Hour rows for each
Agent name. The first and last name of the agent.
Duration. The total time in seconds that the agent was logged on
during the interval.