42 The Admin Workstation
You can change the predefined templates to suit your particular business
needs by using the optional ICR Custom Screen Builder. The Custom
Screen Builder is a client database access application that is based on
Powersoft InfoMaker. The Custom Screen Builder also allows you to
create new report templates for use in Monitor ICR.
See also:
The Intelligent CallRouter Custom Screen Builder Tutorial provides an
introduction to the ICR Custom Screen Builder tool.
2.3.1. Enterprise and Peripheral Reporting
The ICR’s reporting structure allows you to view organizational entities
independently or generally over the entire enterprise. For example, in
one report you can see how calls are being handled generally by using an
enterprise service. In a second report, you can see how calls are being
handled by individual agents, agent teams, peripheral services, or skill
groups. Figure 11 shows an example of two Monitor ICR reports:
Figure 11: Enterprise and Peripheral Reporting
The first report contains data for several enterprise services. One of
these services is called MidTier. Like all enterprise services, the MidTier
enterprise service has several component peripheral services. The
enterprise service report provides data for the component peripheral
services on an enterprise-wide basis.
To see the data broken out by individual peripheral service, you would
generate a peripheral service report. Three components of the MidTier
enterprise service are the subject to the peripheral service report:
Bellevue.MidTier, Boston.MidTier, and Denver.MidTier.