Monitor ICR Reporting 41
2. Admin Workstation
2.2.4. Admin Workstation Users
Three kinds of people use the Admin Workstation:
System Manager. Uses the Admin Workstation to update the ICR
system configuration, create and edit call routing scripts, and
download Admin Workstation configuration information from the
central database.
Supervisor. Uses the Admin Workstation to monitor call center,
agent, and agent group performance and produce real-time and
historical call center management reports. The tool of most
importance to the Supervisor is Monitor ICR.
Administrator. Uses the Admin Workstation to maintain the ICR
databases, register new users in Windows NT, and view system
event log files.
2.2.5. Open Database Architecture
The ICR employs an open database architecture. Monitor ICR is just one
of many tools you can use to access the ICR central and local databases.
Other third-party tools can be used to manage the data in these
Applications like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visual Basic, and
Powersoft InfoMaker allow you to access the databases and create
reports. You are also free to use other standard Windows tools to access
data. For example, you can access data directly from the ICR databases
using Microsoft SQL Server and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)
Note: Although you can read any data you want from the ICR databases,
GEOTEL recommends that you do not directly modify data in the central
database by using third-party tools. Modifying data with third-party
tools can cause disruptions in the system. Use the ICR tools when
modification is necessary.
2.3. Monitor ICR ReportingMonitor ICR is the reporting and monitoring tool of the Admin
Workstation. It is an integral part of the AW and is the main subject of
this manual. Monitor ICR features an extensive set of predefined report
templates. The ICR report templates allow you to quickly generate
reports of the call center and agent performance data that are stored in
the ICR databases.
See also:
Chapter 8, “Template Reference,” provides details on each report
template that comes with Monitor ICR.
Monitor ICR