50 Creating a Report
3.1. The Report Example
The report you will be creating includes a real-time bar graph that
displays call queue status data for selected peripheral services. This data
Average Delay in Queue
Expected Delay in Queue
Longest Call in Queue
Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
The data for the real-time bar graph is taken from the
Service_Real_Time table in the Admin Workstation local database.
See also:
For more information on the tables of the central and local databases, see
the Intelligent CallRouter Database Schema Handbook.
The report example also includes a historical grid that displays half-hour
call analysis data for selected peripheral services. This data includes:
Service Level
Average Speed of Answer (ASA)
Average Handle Time (AHT)
Average Delay in Queue
Calls Offered
Calls Handled
Calls Abandoned in Queue
The historical data is taken from the Service_Half_Hour table in the ICR
central database. The historical grid displays data for a specific range of
dates and times that you specify.