Index 323
enterprise skill group, 189, 191
peripheral service, 268
peripheral service, 250, 254, 256,
260, 262, 264, 266
peripheral skill group, 240, 242
route, 272, 276, 279, 281
service array, 206
button, 72
contents of, 74
invoking, 73
drill-down, 110
service and skill group, 24
data, 40–41
templates, 46
Historical Data Server (HDS), 40
Hourly boundaries
and data intervals, 83
Hunt group (Lucent DEFINITY ECS),
controller time, 74
databases, 40–41
documentation, 39
integration with networks, 19
Master Help, 74
ICR Print Server, 118
ICR-routed calls
enterprise service, 205, 216
peripheral service, 257, 268
Idle (Not Ready state)
count of agents in
enterprise skill group, 182, 183
peripheral skill group, 233, 234
percent of agents in
enterprise skill group, 184, 185,
187, 235
peripheral skill group, 236, 238
percent of time in
enterprise skill group, 195
peripheral skill group, 246
Idle trunks, 218, 285, 286, 287
InfoMaker, 42
Integration of call center and IXC, 19
Intelligent CallRouter
central controller, 39
overview of, 18–23
Internal calls, 21
—J—Job Scheduler, 118–24
fields, 119
inspecting log files, 123
starting, 119
—K—Keyboard shortcuts, 72
—L—Landscape printing, 94
setting up for, 95
Month time option, 82
Week time option, 82
Year time option, 82
Layer option, 93
of detail (drill-down), 64
threshold, 109
Limitations of ACDs, 35
Local database real-time templates,
Local time, 75
Log files (inspecting), 124
Logged on state
number of agents in, 230
time spent in, 136
call in queue
enterprise service, 196, 202
peripheral service, 248, 254
peripheral skill group, 247
route, 270, 276
service array, 206
Longest Available Agent
Rockwell Galaxy, 35
Lotus 1-2-3 (.WKS) data format, 102
terminology, 33
—M—Management data, 23
Master Help, 74
Master script, 180
Maximize button, 56
Excel, 41
Internet Explorer, 47
Visual Basic, 41
Modifying a report, 99