Peripheral-Specific Terminology 35
1. Overview
The ICR comprises a set of the functions of the supported peripherals.
Because the features of each ACD vary, one type of ACD cannot take
advantage of every capability the ICR offers. Some ACDs have
limitations that prevent them from making full use of specific features of
the ICR. Table 4 summarizes these limitations.
Table 4: Features Not Supported for Specific Peripherals
Peripheral Type Restrictions
Aspect CallCenter Only one skill group assignment per agent.
Alcatel 4400 No trunk group monitoring.
Ericsson ACP1000 Only one skill group assignment per agent.
Nortel DMS-100/
SL-100 No trunk group monitoring.
Nortel Meridian Limited trunk group monitoring1.
No peripheral service level reporting.
Ring time for a call is included in either queue time or
delay time.
Cannot specifically track agents as Talking Out (this
time is included in Talking Other).
Rockwell Galaxy No Post-Routing or translation routing.
GEOTELEnterprise CTI not supported.
GEOTELAgent Reporting not supported.
No duplexed PG operation.
No Longest Available Agent (LAA) routing.
Can route only to services; not to specific agents or
skill groups. (The ACD chooses the best group or agent
to provide the service.)
No real-time agent state data (but accumulated times in
each state are reported).
1 The Meridian ACD supports a subset of trunk group real-time and half-hour
data in the ICR database schema.