118 Scheduling Reports
6.1. ICR Job SchedulerAs a supervisor, your most common use of the ICR Job Scheduler will
be to print reports at specific dates and times. For example, say that you
created a report that uses a relative date to display data. Because you
used a relative date (for example, Today or Yesterday), the report always
displays data for the relative date specified. If the report used the relative
date Yesterday, you might schedule the report to be automatically
printed each morning. You could then have a report of yesterday’s call
center activity automatically printed at the start of each day.
In a similar scenario, you could schedule a report that contains data for
Last Week to print every Monday morning at 10:00 A.M. This would
allow you to review a printed report of data for the previous week
without even starting Monitor ICR. You can use the job scheduler to
schedule jobs on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. In each case, you can
specify the exact time that the job will run.
The job scheduler works with both historical and real-time reports. As
described in the previous examples, the job scheduler is particularly
useful in printing historical reports that use relative dates. However, you
can also print real-time reports through the job scheduler. Real-time
reports printed in this manner contain a “snapshot” of the current data.
6.1.1. Job Scheduler Printing Requirements
Monitor ICR does not have to be running in order to print a scheduled
report. However, the AW services, as well as the ICR Print Server
process must be running. The necessary services and processes are
typically always active at the Admin Workstation. In addition, the ICR
Print Server may be started automatically when you log on to the AW.
Print Server startup options can be changed through the ICR Setup tool.
ICR Print Server
If the ICR Print Server is not running, any scheduled print jobs that
execute are saved in a queue. If you subsequently start the Print Server,
any queued jobs will then print.
À To start the Print Server:
Double-click its icon in the GEOTEL Admin Workstation group. You can
also use the Print Server to choose a specific printer on which to print
your scheduled reports.
À To choose a printer and set printing options:
1. Once the Print Server is running, double-click its program icon to
restore the ICR Print Server window.
2. Choose File→Printer Setup. A Printer Setup dialog box appears.