326 Index
date option, 88
time, 81
advantages of, 82
options, 81
Report(s), 86–101
arranging on screen, 92
changing background color, 103
components of, 88, 89
saving for export, 101
definition, 47, 59
deleting, 100
file contents, 87
modifying, 99
saving, 86
saving changes to, 100
examples, 44, 50–51
generation of, 75–85
layout, 56
number of components, 89
overview, 46
presentation mode, 91
printing, 96
resizing components, 91
single vs. multiple-component, 51
title box, 91
updating with data, 93
working with, 86
several, 92
Resizing report components, 90
Resume button, 72, 94
Retrieve button, 59, 72
Retrieving historical data, 93
Galaxy ACD, 32
Spectrum ACD, 32
Rockwell Galaxy
gate status report, 204, 216, 256,
hardware status report, 232
limitations, 35
software status report, 231
terminology, 34
Rockwell Spectrum
terminology, 34
Routes, 29
and peripheral targets, 30
templates, 268–81
routes01_queue_delay_status, 270
routes02_calls_status, 271
servicelevel, 272
routes04_calls_trend_analysis, 273
routes05_calls_offered_half_pie, 274
routes07_now_to5_grid, 276
routes11_calls_analysis_daywise, 278
client, 30
label, 20, 30
and Post-Routing, 21
request, 20, 21
scripts, 22, 41
server, 21
Routing client, 21, 31
templates, 282
rtecli11_status_by_five_minutes, 282
now option, 98
on exit option, 99
Workspace on Exit, 98
button, 72
Save Rows As dialog box, 101
drill-down reports, 115
reports, 86
Schedule Link, 31
Scheduled jobs
changing, 122
deleting, 123
print jobs, 118–22, 119
schimp01_name_time_numbers, 283
Scope options (for reports), 78
Screen refresh
enabling, 94
pausing, 93
Secondary routing decisions, 21
Select Report dialog box, 96
Service, 24
peripheral terminology, 33, 34
Service level
enterprise service, 199, 201, 203,
208, 209
peripheral service, 251, 253, 255,
257, 259, 261
route, 273, 275, 277, 278, 280
service array, 207
with abandoned calls
enterprise service, 198
peripheral service, 250
route, 272