File Association 97
4. Reporting Basics
À To open a report:
1. In the Monitor ICR window, choose File→Open, or click the Open
button. The Select Report Definition dialog box appears.
Only report definition files appear in the Select Report Definition
dialog box. You do not see the templates, although they are also
stored in these directories. (To open templates, use the ICR Custom
Screen Builder.)
2. In the Folders (or Directories) list, double-click the directory where
you saved the report.
By default, reports are saved in subdirectories under icr\aw\custom.
The specific subdirectory depends on the data that is included in the
report. See Table 7, earlier in this chapter, for a list of the custom
subdirectories and their contents.
3. Choose the file name (for example, MYREPORT.CMB) from the
list on the left side of the dialog box.
4. Click OK. The report appears in the Monitor ICR window.
4.9. File AssociationThe most common way to open report definition files is to click the
Open button from within Monitor ICR and then choose a report file from
the Select Report Definition dialog box. However, you might want to
quickly open a specific report without having to start Monitor ICR and
go through the menu selections. It might be easier to simply double-click
on a report definition file name from within NT Explorer to start
Monitor ICR and open the report, especially when Monitor ICR is not
yet running.
File association makes it possible to associate a file’s file name
extension with an application. For example, once you associate the
.CMB extension with the Monitor ICR application, you can double-click
any .CMB report file from within Windows NT Explorer to start
Monitor ICR and open the report. Once Monitor ICR is started you can
double-click on other .CMB files to open those reports. Additional
reports are opened in the currently active Monitor ICR application.
Monitor ICR is not started again.