Glossary 299
each location. The ICR implements enterprise-wide call distribution and
allows calls to be sent to any network-addressable location within, or
outside of, an enterprise.
Entity. See Business entity.
Event Management Service (EMS)
A software module within the Intelligent CallRouter that processes use
to report events to other processes within the system.
Event Viewer
A feature of Monitor ICR that lets you view messages (events) generated
by processes within the ICR system.
Expected delay
The ICR’s predicted delay for any new call added to a service or route
queue. The expected delay value is valid only if no agents are available
for the route or service.
Expert Agent Selection (EAS)
A mode for the Lucent Definity ECS ACD. In this mode, agents are
automatically added to pre-assigned skill groups at login. Calls can be
routed either to the agent’s physical extension or to the agent’s login ID.
In non-EAS mode, agents must manually add themselves to hunt groups
and calls can be routed only to physical extensions.
Fault-tolerant architecture
A design that allows a system to continue running after a component of
the system has failed. The ICR includes several levels of fault tolerance
that minimize time when the system is non-responsive to call routing
requests. The ICR fault-tolerant architecture eliminates single points of
failure and provides disaster protection by allowing system components
to be geographically separated.
Five-minute interval
Certain statistics within the ICR database are updated at five-minute
intervals. The first such interval for each day begins at 12:00 midnight
and ends at 12:05 A.M. The date and time at the start of the five-minute
interval is saved with the data. This allows you to look back at data from
previous five-minute intervals.
During a five-minute interval, statistics accumulate in real-time tables
(for example, Service_Real_Time). At the end of the interval, the
statistics are written to five-minute tabl es (for example,
Foreign exchange (FX)
A trunk type that connects a call center with a central office in a remote
exchange. This allows callers in that remote exchange to directly access
the call center without using an interexchange carrier.