Index 321
percent of time spent in
enterprise skill group, 187
peripheral skill group, 238
time spent in, 136
peripheral service, 256
Buttons (toolbar), 72
activity, 22
detail records, 40
flow, 20
internal, 21
routing script, 22
transfers, 21
Call type, 31, 180
error count, 180
templates, 180, 181
Calling Line ID (CLID), 21
enterprise service, 204
peripheral service, 256
in progress
Galaxy-specific report, 231
in queue
enterprise service, 197, 202, 204,
256, 258
peripheral service, 249, 254, 256
route, 271, 276
service array, 206
enterprise service, 197, 202
peripheral service, 249, 254
route, 271, 276
service array, 206
Calls in progress
peripheral report, 230
Calls routed, 180
caltyp01_status_grid, 180
caltyp02_count_graph, 181
Cascade option, 93
Category options, 77
Central Controller, 74
Central database, 40–41
and historical templates, 154
CICR, 23
CLID. See Calling Line ID
Command line, 75
Comma-separated values (.CSV) data
format, 102
report, 88
Computer Telephony Integration
(CTI), 21
Controller time, 52, 74
report subdirectories, 87
connections, 19
exporting from reports, 101
retrieving historical, 93
Data interchange (.DIF) data format,
access via third party tools, 41
architecture, 41
central, 40
local, 40
Dates and times
defaults for reports, 80
specifying options, 80
dBASE-II (.DBF) data format, 102
Definition Editor, 99
Delay in queue
enterprise service, 196, 202, 208,
enterprise service, 196
peripheral service, 248
peripheral service, 248, 254, 259,
route, 270, 276, 278, 280
service array, 206
Deleting reports, 100
Details (adding to reports), 110
DI Groups, 231
Directories (storing reports in), 86–88
Distributor AW, 39
Document Properties dialog box, 95
DrillDown Editor, 64, 110, 111, 112
Drill-downs, 110–16
adding, 111
applying, 112
in multiple-component reports, 113
invoking, 113
invoking multiple, 112
saving as reports, 115
saving assignments, 113
template hierarchy, 110