282 Template Reference
This template generates a historical grid that shows data on routing
client requests and responses during the current five minute interval.
Database Table
Responses. The number of route responses to the routing client during
the five-minute interval.
Mean responses. The mean time, in milliseconds, for the route
responses to the routing client during the five-minute interval.
Rcv in error. The number or routing requests from the routing client
that produced errors during the five-minute interval.
Timeout calls. The number of route responses to the routing client that
timed out during the five-minute interval.
Max delay. The maximum delay, in milliseconds, of route responses to
the routing client during the five-minute interval.
Late calls. The number of route responses to the routing client that
exceeded the late threshold but did not time out.
Discarded calls. The number of routing requests from the routing client
that were discarded because of an internal constraint such as