60 Creating a Report
À To save the report definition:
1. Choose File→Save, or click the Save button. The Save Report
Definition dialog box appears.
Since you created a report on peripheral services, the Save Report
Definition dialog box defaults to the persvc directory. The “persvc”
directory is reserved for storing peripheral services report
definitions. Similarly, other subdirectories of the Admin
Workstation’s \custom directory exist to hold other types of report
definitions (for example, skill group, route, and trunk group reports).
2. Type TUTOR as the file name. The .CMB extension is retained.
3. Click OK. The report definition is saved.
4. At the Monitor ICR menu, choose File→Close. The report file is
closed, but the Monitor ICR window remains displayed.
The next time you open the TUTOR.CMB report, the real-time graph
component of the report displays real-time data. The historical grid
displays data for the range of dates you specified when your originally
created the report. Since you did not change the end date and end time,
the historical grid always displays data up to the present date and time.
You can change report definitions like TUTOR.CMB by using the
Monitor ICR Definition Editor. For example, you might want to change
the start dates and times in the historical component of the report.
See also:
The Definition Editor is described in Chapter 4, “Reporting Basics.”
Note: The saved report definition (TUTOR.CMB) does not appear in the
Template Launcher list of templates. It is stored as a .CMB report
definition file, not as a template.
Now that you have created and saved a report definition, you can open
the report and make changes and improvements such as setting
thresholds and adding drill-downs. Thresholds allow you to set yellow
and red indicators on important fields of data in a report. Drill-downs
allow you to launch additional reports from within the current report