310 Glossary
Private network
A network made up of circuits for the exclusive use of one customer.
Private networks can be nationwide in scope. They typically serve large
corporations or government age ncies.
Private network routing
A configuration in which the ACD sends routing requests to the ICR
through the Peripheral Gateway. This is a type of Post-Routing.
PSN. See Public Switched Network.
Public Switched Network (PSN)
The public telephone network. The PSN provides the capability of
interconnecting any home or office in the country with any other.
The act of requesting information from a database, or the statement used
to request that information. See also Structured Query Language (SQL).
Queue time
The time a call spends queued at a peripheral waiting for an agent to
become available. Queue time occurs after delay time and before ring
Queued call
A call that has arrived at a peripheral, but that is being held until an
agent or other resource becomes available to handle the call.
RAID. See Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks.
Ready state
A state in which an agent is logged on to the system and is currently
available to handle a call, is talking on a call, or is involved in after-call
work and presumed to be available to handle another call when done.
Real-time data
Real-time information about certain entities within the ICR system is
updated continuously. Real-time data includes data accumulated since
the end of the last five-minute interval (ServiceLevelTo5, for example)
and since the last half-hour interval (ServiceLevelHalf). Real-time
records themselves do not accumulate in the database as historical
records do; each update overwrites the existing record. Real-time
records are stored in the local database on the Admin Workstation.
Real-time distributor
An Admin Workstation that receives real-time monitoring data directly
from the Central Controller. The real-time distributor then passes those
data on to other Admin Workstations at the same site. For each site,
typically two Admin Workstations are set up as distributors, but only
one is active at any time.