120 Scheduling Reports
The initial window displays several fields of data:
Frequency. Specifies the frequency with which the job will be
executed. Possible entries include Every, Next, Today, Tomorrow.
These options are described later in this section.
Day. Specifies the day or days of the week on which the job will
run. This field can also contain a number, which represents a day of
the month.
Time. Indicates the time, in A.M. or P.M., at which the job will run.
All times are based on the Admin Workstation clock.
Command. Provides the name of the command that will be
PrintRpt. Prints a specified Monitor ICR report.
Other commands might also appear in the Job Scheduler, such as
jobs that were scheduled through the DOS Command Prompt by
using the “AT” command.
Parameters. Shows the parameters to be passed to the command.
The parameters for a PrintRpt command are the directory and the
report name.
Status. Indicates whether the job encountered problems while
executing. Possible values are OK and Error. Typically, you will not
see “Error” in this field for the PrintRpt command unless the
printrpt.exe command was not found. The printrpt.exe command is
in the Admin Workstation’s \bin directory. Other problems such as
invalid report names or invalid time and date specifications are
recorded in the ICRPRINT.LOG file.
Log. Indicates whether information about the job is written to a log
file. You can open the ICRPRINT.LOG file within the ICR Job
Scheduler to see how jobs executed. In the event that a report fails to
print, entries in the ICRPRINT.LOG file will point to the cause of
the failure.