Skill Group Data 127
7. Available Data
Agents reserved. The number of agents currently in the reserved
state. A reserved agent is awaiting an interflowed call and is
unavailable to receive any incoming calls. This state applies to
agents on Northern Telecom Meridian and Aspect CallCenter ACDs
Agents in busy other. The number of agents who are in the Busy
Other state (that is, busy in skill groups other than the one presently
being examined). An agent can be active in only one skill group at a
time. Therefore, while active in one skill group, the agent is
considered by the other skill groups to be in the Busy Other state.
In addition to the numbers of agents in certain states within the skill
group, the ICR tracks the time that a skill group’s agents spend in these
See also:
The section “Agent State and Time Allocations,” later in this chapter,
provides more information on the types of agent state and time
allocation data tracked for skill groups.
7.1.2. Percent Utilization
The ICR reports a percent utilization for each skill group. The percent
utilization data are taken from the Skill_Group_Real_Time table, which
contains agent time allocation data such as Handle Time, Logged On
Time, and Not Ready Time data for all agents in the skill group.
The percent utilization is computed by dividing the total time agents
spent handling calls by the total time agents were ready to handle calls.
The percent utilization is expressed as a percentage value for the
individual skill group. The formula used is as follows:
(TalkTime + WorkReadyTime + WorkNotReadyTime) /
(LoggedOnTime - NotReadyTime)
Percent utilization is measured since the end of the last five-minute or
the last half-hour interval. Consequently, percent utilization data are
stored in the skill group five-minute and half-hour tables.
7.1.3. Call Handling
The ICR tracks categories of data related to the calls handled by each
skill group. A call is counted as handled when it is finished:
Calls handled. The number of offered calls handled by the skill
group during an interval. A call is counted as handled when the call
is finished.
Number of agent out calls. The number of outbound calls made by
the skill group’s agents.