46 The Admin Workstation
2.4.3. Correcting the SituationTo correct the situation, you consider two options:
First, you find out if there is an excess of qualified agents in otherskill groups in the call center enterprise. Are these agents available
to handle PremiumSales calls between 3:00 and 5:00 P.M.? If they
are, you can add these skill groups to the search list of the ICR call
routing script currently in effect for the PremiumSales enterprise
service. The routing script will activate the backup skill groups as
necessary to ensure that service levels remain high.
As a second option, you may decide to work with the appropriatesite personnel to determine if you can add more agents. For
example, you might have several call centers in the enterprise each
assign an agent to the PremiumSales enterprise service.
2.4.4. Monitor ICR Reporting TermsBefore you begin using Monitor ICR, it may be helpful to review some
of the terms that are frequently used in this manual:
Template. You use templates to create reports. A template is a filethat specifies the types of data to be displayed in a report and how
the data will be displayed (for example, in a graph, a chart, etc.). The
types of data and the display format are fixed in the template file.
However, you can specify that you want data for a particular agent,
service, skill group, trunk group, route, etc. You can also specify a
range of dates for which to retrieve data.
A number of predefined templates are provided with Monitor ICR.
You can use the ICR Custom Screen Builder to modify these
templates or to create new ones.
Historical template. A historical template is a template that isbased on historical data from the ICR central database. You can use
historical templates to create reports that contain half-hour and daily
summaries of agent and call center data.
Real-time template. A real-time template is a template that is basedon real-time data from the Distributor AW local database tables.
You use real-time templates to create reports that provide a view
into current agent and call center activity.
Report. A report is the final presentation of data, titles, dates andtimes, and graphic elements displayed on the AW screen or printed.
A single report can include components generated by one or more
templates. For example, one report can contain a real-time pie chart
and a historical grid, each generated with a different template. Once
the report is displayed on the screen, it can be saved as a report