Working with the Template Launcher 79
4. Reporting Basics
The Scope options include:
Base Only. This option is available only if you select Skill Group as
the Category. Base skill groups are used to organize related
subgroups on some types of ACDs. For example, you might have
skill groups called HelpDesk.pri and HelpDesk.sec to prioritize call
routing. In a report, you can reference the .pri and .sec skill groups
directly or you can refer to the base skill group.
Enterprise. Select Enterprise to report on enterprise services or
enterprise skill groups. Enterprise services and skill groups are
collections of services and skill groups that span call centers.
Network. This option is available only if you choose Trunk Group
as the Category. Select Network to report on Network Trunk
Peripheral. This option allows you to report on Peripheral Agents,
Peripheral Services, Peripheral Skill Groups, or Peripheral Trunk
Array. Select Array to report on Service Arrays. A Service Array is
a collection of peripheral services across VRUs that share a common
network trunk group.
By Peripheral. This option is available only if you choose Agent as
the Category. It allows you to report on each agent currently logged
into one or more selected peripherals.
By Skill Group. This option is available only if you choose Agent
as the Category. It allows you to report on each agent currently
logged into one or more selected skill groups.
By Team. This option is available only if you choose Agent as the
Category. It allows you to display information about each agent in
one or more selected agent teams.
See also:
For more information on call center entities such as Network Trunk
Groups and Service Arrays, see Chapter 1, “Overview.”
Specify the Business Entity. A business entity is a subset of the ICR
enterprise that contains its own scripts, enterprise services, enterprise
skill groups, enterprise agent groups, and schedules.