Modifying Report Definitions 99
4. Reporting Basics
Note: Before you exit from Monitor ICR, make sure that
OptionsSave Settings on Exit is deselected. Otherwise, the
settings you have saved will be overwritten by the settings in
place when you exit.
To test the settings, choose FileExit to end the current Monitor ICR
session. Double-click on the Monitor ICR icon to restart the application.
You can easily change the start-up display if you want to return to
default mode or if you want to display different reports.
À To return to default displa y at startup:
1. Start Monitor ICR.
2. Use the FileClose command to close any open reports. (You can
also close the template launcher window if it is displayed.)
3. Choose OptionsSave Settings Now.
4. Make sure that OptionsSave Settings on Exit is deselected.
4.11. Modifying Report Definitions
You can edit report definitions to choose additional items to include in
the report, to change dates and times, or to select different templates to
use in the report.
The fields of the Definition Editor match those of the Template
Launcher. However, in the Definition Editor you are not allowed to
change the Category or Scope of a report. The Definition Editor is not
used to launch reports, but rather to change existing reports. If you need
to change the Category and Scope of a report, use the Template
Launcher to create a new report.
Note: If you are modifying a real-time report, you may want to click the Pause
button to pause the real-time refreshing of the screen. This ensures that
the continual refreshing does not interrupt your work with the Definition