302 Glossary
HDS. See Historical Data Server.
Historical data
Data collected at five-minute and half-hour intervals and stored in the
ICR central database or an HDS database.
Historical Data Server (HDS)
An Admin Workstation with a special database that holds ICR historical
data. In a normal configuration, historical data is stored only in the
central database. When you use the HDS option, the historical data is
also stored on the HDS machine (which must be a real-time distributor).
Other Admin Workstations at the site can read historical data from the
HDS rather than accessing the central database.
ICP. See Intelligent Call Processing.
ICR. See Intelligent CallRouter.
ICR gateway
A construct that allows one ICR system to forward a request to another
ICR. You can configure an ICR gateway in Configure ICR and reference
in the ICR Gateway node in a routing script. Service bureaus may use
ICR gateways to implement a multi-tier architecture.
ICR Protocol (ICRP)
The communication protocol used by ICR gateways to pass a routing
request and response between two ICRs. The ICR sending the request
must be set up for remote network routing and the ICR receiving the
request must be running an ICRP Network Interface Controller.
Another name for the Not Ready state. See Not Ready state.
Incoming call
A call offered to a route or service from an external carrier. See also
Offered calls.
A database construct that allows for quick access to data, sorting of
rows, and can be used to prevent the creation of duplicate data. An index
is associated with a table and contains an entry, or key, for each row in
the table. The key is composed of one or more column values from the
row. The database manager can quickly locate data by searching the
index rather than the actual rows. Similarly, the database manager can
sort the index faster than it can sort the rows. If the index is defined as
unique, no two key values can be identical.
Initialize Local Database
A tool on the Admin Workstation that copies the latest configuration
data and scripts from the central database to the local database.