Agent States and Time Allocations 135
7. Available Data
The ICR tracks the number of agents in each state along with the time
agents spend in specific states. Table 10 shows how agent activity and
time spent in particular states are tracked by the ICR.
Table 10: Agent States and Time Allocations
Log On
State Ready
State Agent Time Allocation Specific State Handle
On Ready Available Time Available
Reserved Time Reserved
Busy Other Time Busy Other
Talking Other
Time Talking Other
Time1Talking Out
Time Talking Out
Talking In
Time Talking In Handle Time
Hold Time Hold
Work Ready Time Work Ready
Work Not
Ready Work Not Ready Time Work Not Ready
Not Ready
(Idle) Not Ready Time Not Ready
The ICR tracks the number of agents in each state in Skill Group
real-time database records. To obtain historical counts of the number of
agents in particular states, the ICR saves a snapshot of the real-time data
and stores the data in skill group five-minute records. These five-minute
summary records are stored in the ICR central database.
1 Talk Time is the sum of Talking In Time, Talking Out Time, and Talking
Other Time.