The available recovery features are:
■Software Error Recovery – automatically restarts the server after a
■Environmental Recovery – allows the server to restart when temperature, fan, or AC power conditions return to normal
Unattended Recovery
For unattended recovery,
■Logs the error information to the IML
■Resets the server
■Pages you (if a modem is present and you selected Paging)
■Tries to restart the operating system. Often the server restarts successfully, making unattended recovery the ideal choice for remote locations where trained service personnel are not immediately available.
To use this level of
Attended Recovery
For attended recovery,
■Logs the error information to the IML
■Resets the server
■Pages you (if a modem is present and you selected Paging)
■Starts Compaq Utilities from the hard drive
■Enables remote access
During system configuration, these utilities are placed on the system utilities partition of the hard drive.
If you have configured for
If you have configured the Compaq Utilities for network access, you can access the utilities over the network. You can use Compaq Insight Manager for
Compaq ProLiant 3000 Servers, for use with Intel 350 MHz or greater