CHA NG E TH E W R I TE S P EE D TO A S L OW E R R AT E — See the help files for your CD creation software.
CLO S E A LL O TH ER O PE N PR OG R A MS — Closing all other open programs before writing to the
If you have problems with a hard drive
ALL O W TH E CO MP UT ER T O CO O L BE F OR E TU R NIN G IT ON — A hot hard drive may prevent the operating system from starting. Try allowing the computer to return to room temperature before turning it on.
Windows XP and Windows 2000
1 In Windows XP, click the Start button and click My Computer. In Windows 2000,
3 Click the Tools tab.
4Under Error-checking, click Check Now.
5Click Start.
Windows Me
Click the Start button, point to
Network Problems
CHE CK T HE NE TW O R K C A BL E C ON NE C TO R — Ensure that the network cable is firmly connected to the optional internal connector on the computer and the network wall jack.
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