Dialogic® SS7G2x Signaling Server SGW Mode User Manual Issue 4
6.6.9C7SLI – CCS SS7 Signaling Link Initiate
This command is used to initiate a SS7 Signaling Link (C7LINK).
The command allows the user to specify the signaling processor (EQU), Signaling Timeslot (TS) as well as which SS7 linkset (LS) the link belongs to. The user may alternatively specify an M2PA SIGTRAN link (SNLINK) instead of a processor and timeslot for communication of SS7 information.
See Section 7.2, “Signaling Configuration” on page 136 for a more detailed description of the SS7 signaling configuration.
•The specified link has not already been initiated.
•The specified PCM time slot is not already assigned elsewhere in the system.
•The PCM on which the timeslot exists has been initiated.
•The board on which the EQU exists has been initiated.
•The timeslot is a valid timeslot for the PCM type (up to 31 for an E1 PCM and 24 for a T1 PCM).
•The signaling processor specified by the EQU parameter must be equipped with a valid board type and not already assigned to a link.
•The link set has already been initiated.
•The board position specified by EQU must be blocked.
•If M56K is set to 3 or 4, the TS cannot be specified and if M56K is not set to 3 or 4, EQU must be specified.
Only EQU signaling processors 1 and 2 can be used if M56K is 3 or 4.
If an SNLINK is present, the EQU, TS, M56K and PCR cannot be present. If an SNLINK is specified, its SNTYPE must be M2PA.
If an SNLINK is specified, it must be initiated, blocked and cannot be associated with any other SS7 link. Either a SNLINK or EQU must be present.
SS7 links can use signaling processors 1 to 4 on a SPCI4 or SPCI2S board or 1 to 64 on a SS7HDP board.