as profile modify quarantine | set |
as profile modify quarantine
Use these commands to configure quarantine settings for an antispam profile.
set as profile <name_str> modify quarantine days <days_int>
set as profile <name_str> modify quarantine queue {enable disable}
Keywords and variables | Description | Default |
<name_str> | Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify. |
days <days_int> | Enter the number of days to keep the quarantined email for the specified | 0 |
| profile. Enter 0 to disable. |
queue | Enable or disable the storage of spam in the quarantine for the specified | disable |
{enable disable} | profile. |
FortiMail v3.0 | New. |
Related topics
•set as control autorelease
•set as spamreport
FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference
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