as profile modify imagespam | set |
as profile modify imagespam
Use these commands to configure an antispam profile to identify spam messages in which the text is stored as an embedded graphics file.
set set as profile <name_str> modify imagespam aggressive {enable disable}
set set as profile <name_str> modify imagespam scanner {enable disable}
Keywords and variables | Description | Default |
<name_str> | Enter the name of the antispam profile to modify. |
aggressive | Enable or disable more intensive examination of email messages | disable |
{enable disable} | containing images. |
| This option will also force the examination of image file attachments in |
| addition to embedded images. The additional scanning workload could |
| affect performance with traffic containing image files. |
scanner | Enable or disable scanning of email for | disable |
{enable disable} |
FortiMail v3.0 | New. |
Related topics
•set as profile modify actions
•set as profile modify individualaction scanner
| FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference |
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