
creating 157 deleting 163

disabling recipient-based policy checking 164 enabling SMTP authentication 169

moving in policy list 168 selecting antispam profile 159 selecting antivirus profile 161, 162 selecting authentication profile 160 selecting default action 158 selecting session profile 165 setting authentication type 160 setting client IP address 166, 167 setting server IP address 167 using IP-based policy only 164


language setting 338

LCD panel setting PIN 338

LDAP profile

clear all LDAP caches 190 clear LDAP cache 192 configuring mail routing options 197 configuring server settings 198 configuring user authentication 191 enabling LDAP cache 195

enabling LDAP for user parameters 189 enabling LDAP group queries 194 enabling unauthenticated binds 195 enabling webmail password change 196 fallback LDAP server 193

selecting password change schema 196 setting cache TTL 195

setting LDAP version 195 setting query timeout 195 setting user query options 199 virtual LDAP groups 194

limits domain-level 201

general system-level 202 groups, system level 203 groups, system-level 203 mail-users,system-level 204 other profiles, system-level 205 other-profiles,system-level 205 policies, system-level 206


configuring email types to include in report 213 configuring logging to console 218 configuring logging to local disk 220 configuring logging to syslog 221 configuring report email recipients 215 customizing column displays 223 customizing display of severity level 224 displaying msisdn column 208

displaying report configuration settings 72 elog, displays event log messages 67 enabling history logs to a device 210 enabling logging of spam events 211 enabling logging of virus events 212 logging events to a device 209 logsetting, display log device settings 68

policy, display log policy information 70 query, display available reports 71 scheduling when report generates 218 setting domains to include in report 214 setting query types to include in report 217 setting report time period 216

view, viewing log types 73 logo, web-based manager

changing 302


mail directory system 319


access settings 225

archive account settings 227 configuring archive policy 230 configuring exemptlist 228 configuring relay server 236 configuring SMTP proxy 234, 235 deferring oversize messages 237

delivery status notification (DSN) 238, 239, 241 enabling SMTP authorization 242

enabling SMTP over SSL 244, 245 LDAP domain check 240 quarantine settings 247

remote archive settings 231 setting archive quota 229 setting deadmail time 232 setting email port numbers 233

maximum transportation unit (MTU) 334 mgmt

HA interface option 330 misc profile

deleting 248

enabling user accounts 250 enabling webmail access 251 renaming 252

setting disk space quota 249 mode of operation

HA 321

MSISDN reputation 105 session profile 183

MTA addresses, trusted 132 MTA spool directories

synchronizing 319 MTU, setting 334

multimedia message service (MMS) configuring the detection window 19 configuring the duration 19 configuring the threshold 19 enabling or disabling 19


network file storage (NFS) 244 network time protocol (NTP) 344


on failure HA 324

operation mode

FortiMail™ Secure Messaging Platform Version 3.0 MR4 CLI Reference



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