Delete Alarms
1.Show Global Alarm List as described in the “Show Global Alarm List” section.
2.Click on alarm you want to delete (Multiselection using CTRL key is possible).
3.Click Delete button. This flags the selected alarms in the database as ´deleted`.
Upload Alarms
Alarms can be uploaded from different source sites and for a definable time range.
1.Show Global Alarm List as described in the “Show Global Alarm List” section.
2.Click Upload Alarms button. The Alarm Data Upload wizard displays.
NOTE: Uploading alarms multiple times results in duplication of the alarms in the
ARENA database.
3.In Source Site, select the site from which you want to upload the alarms.
4.In From Date and To Date, enter the date range. Use the calendar icons right to the fields if desired. Right to the calendar icons, enter the time range.
5.Click Next>> button and follow the instructions of the wizard until finishing the alarm data upload.
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