Associate a contact with a picture
To associate a contact with a picture:
1.Tap Start > Programs > HP Photosmart Mobile.
2.Tap the thumbnail you want to associate with a contact.
3.Tap Menu > Assign To > Contact.
TIP: You can also tap and hold the image, and then select Assign To > Contact.
4.Tap the name from the contact list.
5.Tap ok.
Assign a picture to the Today screen background
To assign a picture to the Today screen background:
1.Tap Start > Programs > HP Photosmart Mobile.
2.Tap the thumbnail you want to assign to the Today screen.
3.Tap Menu > Assign To > Today Background.
TIP: You can also tap and hold the image, and then select Assign To > Today Background.
4.Tap Ok.
Upload photos to Snapfish
The Snapfish Upload utility enables you to upload JPEG images from your HP iPAQ to your Snapfish account.
NOTE: You need to have active Internet connection to upload image to a Snapfish account.
1.Tap Start > Programs > HP Photosmart Mobile.
2.Tap the thumbnail to be sent through Snapfish, and then tap View.
3.Tap Menu > Send… > Snapfish.
4.Select the Reduce sent photo size to check box, and then select the required reduction in resolution.
5.Tap Next.
6.Enter your Snapfish
TIP: Select the Remember password check box to store the password associated with the
7.Tap Done, after the upload completes.
NOTE: If the account name or password is incorrect you will receive an error message and will have to enter the account name and password again.
If you do not have a Snapfish account, you can go to http://m.snapfish.com/ using your HP iPAQ and sign up for an account.
HP Photosmart Mobile 91