Call the last number dialed
Dial a number using speed dial
Compose a message or
Read messages or
Check Voice mail or call history
View appointments
Schedule a call
Create reminders or to record an audio note
Find a contact saved in the contact list
View the current time
Open a program
Play, pause, and/or resume music
Play an existing music file
Play the previous or the next song in the playlist
View the different set of commands
Close the Voice Commander program
Redial / Callback
Speed Dial followed by the digit assigned to the number
Compose <SMS / email / audio email> to (Contact)
Read <SMS / email>
Call voice mail / Call history
<Today's/Tomorrow's/This Week's> appointments to list the appointments for the day, next day, or the present week
Schedule a Call To (Contact) to call a contact
Reminder/Start recording
Find followed by the name of the contact
What time is it?
Start followed by the program name
Play Music/Pause/Resume
Play followed by the name of the music file
What can I say?
Windows Live
You can use Windows Live on your phone to search information, check your
Use Windows Live for these tasks:
●Search information on the Web.
●Send and receive
●Send and receive instant messages.
●Change your own status or view the status of others on your list.
●Invite others for a chat conversation.
●Block certain contacts from seeing your status or sending you messages. Tap Start > Programs > Windows Live to open the Windows Live program.
To use Windows Live, you need a Microsoft.NET Passport account unless you already have a Windows Live account. To set up a Microsoft.NET Passport account, go to http://www.passport.net. After you have an account, you can use the Windows Live feature.
Windows Live 105