18 Frequently asked questions
People often face the same types of issues. This list of issues and resolution addresses some of those. Before calling customer support or sending your device for replacement, try to find the explanation here.
Question | Answer |
I am having trouble turning on my HP iPAQ. What should I do? Your HP iPAQ battery seems to be causing the problem. Perform the following checks:
● Is the battery charged? If the LED on your HP iPAQ is flashing red, it indicates a low battery charge. For best results, charge the battery fully. The solid green LED display indicates full battery charge.
● Is the battery correctly installed? Make sure that the battery connectors on the battery are aligned with the housing pins in the battery compartment. For more information, see Step 2: Install the battery and replace the battery cover on page 8.
● Are the battery connectors on the battery and housing pins in the battery compartment clean? If these appear to be soiled, contact your dealer to get them cleaned.
● Try charging your battery using the AC adapter. For more information, see Step 3: Charge the battery on page 9.